Diet Considerations when taking Homoeopathic medicine

  1. Stop refined sugar completely.
  2. stop all bakery products like cakes/ biscuits/ khari  toast etc
  3. stop all processed food – like pizza, pasta, noodles, corn flakes, Kellogg’s soy products.
  4. stop chicken and mutton
  5. stop milk and milk products – but you can take buttermilk and curd1 stop refined sugar totally  as it sustains inflammationEat all fruits and vegetables
  6. You can eat  ragi and oats
  7. Use cold pressed oils for cooking
  8. Use organic jaggery or coconut sugar where ever needed
  9. Use almond or coconut milk for tea.
  10. Keep a just a gap of 15-20 mins between food and medicine and allow it to dissolve in your mouth  of 15-20 mins between food and medicine  & Just allow the medicine  to dissolve in the mouth.